Carrot Juice

Carrot Juice.jpg
Carrot Juice
Carrot (Chopped) -  2
Sugar                    - as required
Water                    - as needed
              Take chopped carrots, 1/2 cup of water and sugar in a blender. Blend it till you get smooth puree of carrots. Then add the remaining water (if required) and blend it again till incorporated well. Pour the carrot juice into glasses, chill and serve.

Useful tips:
  • You can strain the juice, if you wish, to remove the pulp. 

Orange juice

Orange juice.jpg

Orange     - 4 to 5
Sugar       - 4 tbsp
Water       - 2 to 3 cups
  • Peel the oranges and put in a blender. 
  • Add sugar and blend it till you get smooth puree of orange. 
  • Then add water and blend it again till incorporated well. Pour the orange juice into glasses, chill and serve.
Useful tips:
  • Remove seeds of orange during peeling.
  • You can use chilled water or ice cubes while making juice.
  • Use sugar as needed only.

Strawberry Juice

     Strawberry Juice.jpg

Strawberries (chopped)  - 2 cup
Sugar                              - 4 tbsp
Water                              - 2 cup
              Take chopped strawberries and sugar in a blender. Blend it till you get smooth puree of strawberries. Then add water and blend it again till incorporated well. Pour the strawberry juice into glasses, chill and serve.

Useful tips:

  • You can use chilled water or ice cubes while preparing juice.
  •  You can strain the juice, if you wish, to remove the pulp. 

Chocolate cookie balls

Chocolate cookie balls.jpg
 (Photo courtesy:  Macko1114 /
 Wikimedia Commons)
Milk biscuits or cookies - 250 gm
Cocoa powder                - 1/3 cup
Coconut (desiccated)     - 1/2 cup + little extra for rolling balls
Condensed milk             - 1 cup
  • Crush the biscuits and place in a bowl. 
  • Add cocoa powder and desiccated coconut. Mix well.
  • Add condensed milk to it and mix well. 
  • Take a small amount of the mixture and roll into a ball. Then roll through the coconut. Continue with the rest of the mixture. 
  • Place the chocolate balls on a plate and chill in the fridge for 30 minutes.