Avil milkshake

       Avil milkshake is a healthy delicious milkshake for kids. It makes a great breakfast for kids as well as a refreshment. Let's see how to prepare this tasty milkshake very easily.
    Avil milkshake.jpgMilk (chilled)          - 1 1/2 cup
      Avil (rice flakes)     - 1/4 cup
        Banana (ripe)          - 1 or 2
          Cashew nuts            - 5 to 7
            Cardamom powder - 1/4 tsp
              Sugar                       - as required
                • Add half cup of milk, avil, banana, cashew nuts, cardamom powder and sugar to a blender jar and blend all the ingredients till smooth (if required add some more milk to it).
                • Then add rest of the milk to it and blend again until smooth and frothy. 
                • Pour the avil milkshake in glasses. Tasty avil milkshake is ready. Consume the milkshake immediately.

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