Banana Milkshake

       Banana milkshake is one of the delicious healthy milkshakes which can be made up in minutes, using milk and banana. Let's see how to make this yummy milkshake.
    Banana Milkshake.jpgIngredients
    Milk           - 2 cup
      Banana       - 2 to 3
        Cardamom - 1
          Sugar          - as required
            • Chop bananas into small pieces and add to the blender jar. 
            • Add milk (half cup) and sugar (The amount of sugar to be added depends on the sweetness of the banana) to it. Blend all the ingredients until smooth. 
            • Then add the rest of the milk and cardamom. Blend again. 
            • Pour the banana milkshake in glasses.
              Useful tips:
              You can also use chilled milk for making a milkshake.

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