Egg in the basket

       Egg in the basket is a simple delicious crispy bread and runny egg dish. It is a perfect recipe for busy weekday mornings as well as an evening snack. Let's see how to prepare this.
    Egg in the basket.jpgIngredients
    Egg            - 2
      Bread slice - 2
        Butter/oil   - as needed
          Salt             - a pinch
            Pepper        - a pinch (optional)
              • Using a sharp round cookie cutter cut out the centre of the bread. Then butter the bread on both sides. 
              • Place a frying pan on low heat. 
              • Cook the bread on one side until it is slightly golden brown and crispy. 
              • Then flip the bread over and gently break one egg slowly into the hole. 
              • Sprinkle little salt and pepper to it. Cook on low heat until the eggs are set. Serve it immediately.
                Useful tips:
                The bread slices should be big enough to hold an egg in the middle.

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